1775 Thompson Rd, Coos Bay, Oregon 97420

(541) 269-8111


The DAISY Award is a nationwide program that rewards and celebrates the extraordinary clinical skill and compassionate care given by nurses every day. Bay Area Hospital is proud to be a DAISY Award Hospital Partner, recognizing nurses with this special honor every quarter. Each DAISY Award honoree is recognized at a ceremony and receives a beautiful certificate, flowers, a DAISY Award pin, and a hand-carved stone sculpture entitled “A Healer’s Touch.” In addition, these celebrations include cinnamon rolls, a favorite of DAISY Award founder Patrick Barnes during an illness.

Daisy Award winner

Nominate a nurse for a DAISY Award

This nurse’s compassion exemplifies the kind of care to patients and their families that Bay Area Hospital staff members are proud to deliver.

This nurse consistently meets the following criteria:

  • Demonstrates compassion, understanding and caring to patients and families
  • Demonstrates excellence in the delivery of individualized patient care
  • palliative medicine care team

Make a Nomination

Have you experienced exceptional care while you or a family member were a patient at Bay Area Hospital? Please consider nominating your nurse for the DAISY Award and telling us your story!

  • How did this nurse make a special connection with you?
  • Describe a situation where this nurse went above and beyond
  • Share an example where extraordinary compassion was used

To make a nomination in two ways:

1. Complete the Online Nomination Form

2. Or complete one of the DAISY nomination forms available throughout the hospital. Please mail these to:

Bay Area Hospital
Attn: DAISY Award Coordinator
1775 Thompson Road
Coos Bay, OR

Feel free to email us with questions to DaisyAward@bayareahospital.org.

About the DAISY Foundation

The DAISY Foundation was formed in November 1999, by the family of J. Patrick Barnes who died at the age of 33 of complications of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP). The nursing care Patrick received when hospitalized profoundly touched his family and is what led them to create The DAISY Foundation. Through the award and other programs, we honor the super-human work nurses do for our patients and families every day.

DAISY stands for:

  • Diseases
  • Attacking the
  • Immune
  • SYstem

To find out more about the program, including the growing list of Hospital Partners, please go to www.DaisyFoundation.org.

DAISY Award Logo