1775 Thompson Rd, Coos Bay, Oregon 97420

(541) 269-8111

Board of

Bay Area Hospital (BAH) is a community-driven initiative founded in 1952. The Bay Area Hospital District built a new hospital through a bond levy and has since operated without additional property tax funds, making it unique in Oregon.

An elected Board of Directors oversees the district, supported by committees such as Finance, Quality & Patient Safety, Foundation, and Joint Conference. This collaborative effort ensures BAH continues to deliver exceptional care and support to the community.

Hospital Board of Directors

Board and Committee Overview

Board and

Bay Area Hospital District Board of Directors

The Board of Directors has many responsibilities, but its primary purpose is to organize itself and the administration of the District’s facilities and programs in a manner that facilitates the expedient performance of assigned duties, including adopting suitable bylaws and establishing a plan of organization providing single and distinct lines of authority and responsibility.

Additionally, they formulate the philosophy and policies of the District for the direction of its management, appoint the CEO, and identify the changing needs of the community and the changes in the legal and regulatory climate. They provide oversight but do not manage aspects of daily operations.

Finance Committee

The Committee’s responsibilities include reviewing monthly financial statements, hiring annual auditors, reviewing and recommending capital purchases to the Board, reviewing the annual budget with recommendations to the Board, reviewing investments, and overseeing retirement plans and policies.

Quality Patient Safety Committee (QPSC)

The QPSC assists in building a culture of quality, accountability, and safety. The QPSC and the Board are committed to providing a positive, safe, and engaging environment for providers, employees, students, and volunteers. To ensure the Hospital and its related services deliver the highest possible level of quality patient care, the Committee will oversee the satisfaction and safety of patients and staff. The QPSC will also oversee ongoing assessment, improvement, and monitoring of key prioritized organizational processes, outcomes, and external reporting. The Board looks to the QPSC to review, assess, and recommend Board action for all quality matters brought before the Board.

Medical Executive Committee (MEC)

The Medical Executive Committee (MEC) acts as a representative of the medical staff. The Committee proposes change and enacts policies, procedures, and other items to improve patient care and medical staff structure. They are also responsible for reviewing providers for membership in the hospital’s medical staff and making recommendations to the board for approval.

The Foundation Committee

The Foundation Committee considers which projects and organizational needs are appropriate for charitable support. It identifies and connects the organization to those individuals and businesses with the interest and ability to help fund those initiatives. The Foundation exists to support the Hospital and collaborates with the Hospital to maximize its impact and understand what capital and programmatic priorities are required to support. This Committee is currently inactive, but we will post notice when it’s reconvened.

Board Meeting Notifications & Agendas

Schedule of Upcoming Meetings:

Bay Area Hospital District’s Board of Directors will hold an executive session on Monday, November 11, 2024, in the Spruce Fir Conference room at Bay Area Hospital, 1775 Thompson Road, Coos Bay, Oregon, beginning at 2:30 p.m. to discuss Bay Area Hospital’s current status and potential partnership opportunities. The executive session will be held pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(c) for the consideration of matters pertaining to the function of the medical staff of a public hospital licensed pursuant to ORS 441.015 to 441.119 and 441.993 including, but not limited to, all clinical committees, executive, credentials, utilization review, peer review committees and all other matters relating to medical competency in the hospital; and (2) ORS 192.660(2)(f) to consider information or records that are exempt by law from public inspection. Meeting Agenda for November 11, 2024.

The Bay Area Hospital District’s Board of Directors will hold their regularly scheduled board meeting on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, in the Myrtle Conference room at Bay Area Hospital, 1775 Thompson Road, Coos Bay, Oregon, beginning at 6:05 p.m.


The Board Education Session will take place on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, in the Spruce/Fir Conference room at Bay Area Hospital, 1775 Thompson Road, Coos Bay, Oregon, beginning at 5:30 p.m.


The regularly scheduled Board Work Session will be held on Wednesday, November 13, 2024, in the Spruce/Fir Conference room at Bay Area Hospital, 1775 Thompson Road, Coos Bay, Oregon, beginning at 11:30 a.m.


If you would like to attend either meeting, please contact Denise Bowers, Executive Assistant, Administration Office of Bay Area Hospital, at 541.269.8135 or by email at denise.bowers@bayareahospital.org to make arrangements and/or get dialing access codes for the meeting. While the Oregon mask mandates have been lifted, masking supplies will be available if desired.


The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. A request for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or for other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting to Denise Bowers,  Executive Assistant, Administration Office of Bay Area Hospital, at 541.269.8135. Meeting Agenda for November 12, 2024.

The Bay Area Hospital District’s Finance Committee will hold their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, November 26, 2024.  The meeting will be held as a hybrid meeting via Bay Area Hospital’s account and in the Myrtle Conference room at Bay Area Hospital, 1775 Thompson Road, Coos Bay, Oregon beginning at 5:15 p.m.


If you would like to attend this meeting, please contact Shanna Sheaffer, Administrative Assistant, Administration Office of Bay Area Hospital, at 541.269.8067 or by email at shanna.sheaffer@bayareahospital.org to make arrangements and/or get dialing access codes for the meeting. While the Oregon mask mandates have been lifted, masking supplies will be available if desired.


The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. A request for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or for other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting to Shanna Sheaffer, Executive Assistant, Administration Office of Bay Area Hospital, at 541.269.8067.

The Bay Area Hospital District’s Quality and Patient Safety Committee will hold a meeting on Wednesday, November 27, 2024. Bay Area Hospital will hold this meeting in person beginning at 4:15 p.m. in the Spruce/Fir Conference Room. The purpose of this meeting is to conduct regularly scheduled business related to the quality and safety of patient care. Public attendance and input are welcome.


If you would like to attend this meeting, please reserve your place by calling Bay Area Hospital Quality Division at 541.266.7923 and speak with Tina Warlick, Executive Assistant or by email at tina.warlick@bayareahospital.org. While the Oregon mask mandates have been lifted, masking supplies will be available if desired.


The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. A request for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or for other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting to Tina Warlick, Executive Assistant, Administration Office of Bay Area Hospital, at 541.266.7923.

The Bay Area Hospital District’s Quality and Patient Safety Committee will hold a meeting on Wednesday, December 4, 2024. Bay Area Hospital will hold this meeting in person beginning at 4:15 p.m. in the Spruce/Fir Conference Room. The purpose of this meeting is to conduct regularly scheduled business related to the quality and safety of patient care. Public attendance and input are welcome.


If you would like to attend this meeting, please reserve your place by calling Bay Area Hospital Quality Division at 541.266.7923 and speak with Tina Warlick, Executive Assistant or by email at tina.warlick@bayareahospital.org. While the Oregon mask mandates have been lifted, masking supplies will be available if desired.


The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. A request for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or for other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting to Tina Warlick, Executive Assistant, Administration Office of Bay Area Hospital, at 541.266.7923.

The Bay Area Hospital District’s Board of Directors will hold their regularly scheduled board meeting on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, in the Myrtle Conference room at Bay Area Hospital, 1775 Thompson Road, Coos Bay, Oregon, beginning at 6:05 p.m. The Board Education Session will take place on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, in the Spruce/Fir Conference room at Bay Area Hospital, 1775 Thompson Road, Coos Bay, Oregon, beginning at 5:30 p.m.


The regularly scheduled Board Work Session will be held on Wednesday, December 11, 2024, in the Spruce/Fir Conference room at Bay Area Hospital, 1775 Thompson Road, Coos Bay, Oregon, beginning at 11:30 a.m.


If you would like to attend either meeting, please contact Denise Bowers, Executive Assistant, Administration Office of Bay Area Hospital, at 541.269.8135 or by email at denise.bowers@bayareahospital.org to make arrangements and/or get dialing access codes for the meeting. While the Oregon mask mandates have been lifted, masking supplies will be available if desired.

The Bay Area Hospital District’s Finance Committee will hold their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, December 17, 2024. The meeting will be held as a hybrid meeting via Bay Area Hospital’s account and in the Myrtle Conference room at Bay Area Hospital, 1775 Thompson Road, Coos Bay, Oregon beginning at 5:15 p.m.


If you would like to attend this meeting, please contact Shanna Sheaffer, Administrative Assistant, Administration Office of Bay Area Hospital, at 541.269.8067 or by email at shanna.sheaffer@bayareahospital.org to make arrangements and/or get dialing access codes for the meeting. While the Oregon mask mandates have been lifted, masking supplies will be available if desired.


The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities. A request for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or for other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting to Shanna Sheaffer, Executive Assistant, Administration Office of Bay Area Hospital, at 541.269.8067.

Past Board of Directors’ Document Archive

2024 – Minutes 2023 – Minutes
2024 – Executive Summaries and Financials 2023 – Executive Summaries and Financials
2024 – Finance Committee Minutes 2023 – Finance Committee Minutes

Hospital Board Members

Bringing decades of combined experience, our board members offer diverse expertise and leadership, guiding us towards delivering exceptional healthcare in our community.

Troy Cribbins

Troy Cribbins

Board Chairman

Troy Cribbins serves as Bay Area Hospital’s Board of Directors Board Chairman. He earned a Doctorate in Physical Therapy, and during his career has practiced in many settings including; inpatient, outpatien…

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Thomas McAndrew

Thomas McAndrew

Vice Chairman

Dr. McAndrew serves as Bay Area Hospital’s Board of Directors Vice Chairman. He received his B.A. in Zoology in 1977 from Humbolt State University, Arcata, California. His Master of Public…

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Barbara Taylor

Barbara Taylor


Barbara Taylor serves as Bay Area Hospital’s Board of Directors Treasurer and the Finance Committee Chair. After graduating from San Jose State she moved to North Bend to join the CPA firm…

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Patrice Parrott

Patrice Parrott


Patrice Parrott is Bay Area Hospital’s Board of Directors Secretary. Patrice holds a Master’s Degree from Oregon Health & Science University, an advanced degree as a Clinical Nurse Specialist, was a …

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Renee Nelson

Renee Nelson

Member at Large

Renee Nelson is a Board Member at Large for Bay Area Hospital. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Accounting from Arizona State University and later completed a Master’s in Business Administration…

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Carma Erickson-Hurt

Carma Erickson-Hurt

Member at Large

Carma Erickson-Hurt is a Board Member at Large for Bay Area Hospital. Carma Erickson-Hurt is a DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice), ACHPN (Advanced Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Nurse)…

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Dr. Atluri Paavani

Dr. Atluri Paavani

Chief of Staff

Dr. Atluri Paavani, our Chief of Staff, graduated from the Government Medical College Anantapur in 2008. She works in Coos Bay, OR and specializes in Internal Medicine, Other Specialties…

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