1775 Thompson Rd, Coos Bay, Oregon 97420

(541) 269-8111


We believe that everyone should have access to quality health care. To achieve that, we leverage the 340B Prescription Drug Program to stretch resources, reinvest in patient care, and expand access to critical services. Since 1992, 340B has helped us serve more patients, especially those facing financial hardships or in remote areas, by reducing medication costs and allowing us to focus on delivering high-quality care.

pharmacy department
what is 340b program

Bay Area Hospital offers a comprehensive range of diagnostic and therapeutic services. Physicians, nurses, and technologists are on duty 24 hours a day to meet South Coast residents’ and visitors’ medical and emergency needs. Our highly skilled staff is involved in a constant process of professional educational opportunities to keep abreast of the latest medical innovations.

340B Program

What is 340B? A federal program supporting 
safety-net providers.

What is 340B? A
federal program supporting

The 340B prescription drug program, created in 1992, supports our role as a safety-net provider in offering vital health care services for the communities we serve. The program is tailored to only hospitals that provide a high level of services to low-income individuals or serve isolated rural communities. As a result, 340B hospitals can provide a significantly greater amount of lower or zero-reimbursed, but vital health services, than non-340B hospitals.

340b hospitals

The Savings

Participation in the 340B program supports Bay Area Hospitals’ ability to provide services to under and uninsured patients, regardless of their ability to pay. It allows us to address our community’s health care needs more fully.

Impact of Reducing the 340B Program

Bay Area Hospital would not have the capacity to offer as many of the services to community if the 340B Program were to be reduced or eliminated. This is a small program with a really large impact in our community.

340B By the Numbers

340B By
the Numbers


Savings realized from the 340B program since its inception in 2011

$16.4 million

Amount provided as charity care, in-kind health services, miscellaneous community services, volunteer time, professional education and training, and cost of uncompensated care for Medicare patients (FY 2021) 


Cost of uncompensated care for Medicare patients (FY 2021) 


Bay Area Hospital’s Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH)* percentage 

114 miles

Distance to the next closest DSH hospital that provides tertiary care